Ottoman Slipcover #2 | Days of Chalk and Chocolate

Ottoman Slipcover #2

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I slipcovered our large storage ottoman and it came out ok. It was my first attempt and I figured out what I did wrong.  We have a smaller ottoman and I slipcovered it this weekend. It came out so much better and I'm really happy with it!  Now they sort of match! 

Here is the story!  I started out with a brown leatherish ottoman that did not open. This made it so much easier than my first one!

I washed and bleached a 5x4 drop cloth.  I draped it over the ottoman and cut off the bottom to where I wanted the ruffle to be attached.

Next I pulled and pinned the sides. The drop cloth has a little give to it so when all sides were pinned I went back and pulled areas a bit tighter and repinned.  Since it was a drop cloth and both sides are the same it didn't matter which way I laid the fabric. But if one side had a pattern then I would have laid it with the pattern down, sewing the wrong side.

I trimmed the excess.

I sewed each seam by the pins and again trimmed the excess so it wouldn't be bunchy underneath when I flipped it right side out. Once it was all sewed and trimmed I turned it right side out and checked the fit.

I used  a few 3 inch wide pieces of material and sewed them together to make one long piece. I sort of measured and doubled it for my ruffle. I'm not a great measurer so I had to tweak it a bit but it was mostly right on.  I made the ruffle by sewing a seam with my machine set on it's tightest tension but the longest stitch. I also tried to use as many of the drop cloth's actual seams for the ruffle so it would look neat and uniform.  Let them do some of the work for me, I figure.

I sewed the ruffle into a loop and pinned it to the cover. Make sure to do it right sides together. Your right side for your cover is facing up now since it's on the ottoman. Don't do what I did and flip it inside out and sew it on. sigh.

Once the ruffle is on it's done!

So I tried to hang a large curtain rod in my dining room yesterday. It didn't go well. Apparently my heating duct runs up through the wall and it prevented both the drill and the anchor from going in properly. After I threatened to throw the rod through the window, Jim helped out. He got it up no problem and spackled my holes. Seriously, he always cleans up my messes!   But one piece of business I was able to figure out myself is that it is almost impossible to use a drill to screw in screws when the hardware is in the way. So I used one of these. If you don't have one get one. It's a super long bit and it lets you get into tight places. I used it to make lots of holes for Jim to patch! 

And lastly, I hung up the cruddy plaques I Mod Podged. I revealed the first two in this post but finished the third this week.  They hang in our playroom now.

It's rainy but warmer here. So glad to get a break from the cold that I don't mind the rain at all!

More project reveals coming this week, too!



  1. This turned out so cute! I love that you just used a drop cloth, it looks great!

  2. Love that little cube with the ruffles...they are adorable! Nice job!
    aka design

  3. Nice job! Found you through Tuesday's Treasures. I so want to tackle learning to use my sewing machine but I have no idea where to begin. Great tutorial! I'm your newest follower.

  4. Your slipcover looks great! I love the ruffle. I so wish I could sew.

  5. I have those same ottomans, now I know what to do with them :) So pretty , thanks for linking!

  6. I love the ruffle! You did a great job!

  7. Lovely! I have the same ottoman! Hopefully I can do something similar and put it in my bedroom that I am hoping to re-do. Pinned this too!
    Jenn :)
    P.S. Following along now too!

    1. Oh if you do please show me! I would love to see your version! Thanks for visiting!

  8. You did an amazing job!

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  9. Wow this looks divine you are so talented my friend.

    Always Wendy

  10. Your ottoman is very cute -- I have a pair of cubes and have thought about doing a little cover. I do like the ruffle, too, hadn't thought about that, so I am filing this one away.

  11. I have an ottoman I really need to do this on! Thank you so much for the tutorial...your ottoman is adorable!

  12. What a terrific, how to. Even this non-sewer might be able to handle it.

    Thank-you so much for taking the time to share at our Pin'Inspiration party this week. I really hope that you can take part in my "Beat the Winter Blues" party on Saturday. :-)

  13. Really nice! I have some brown ottomans that aren't soft like yours, they're hard and the open and shut....I like how this cover would just soften the look of them, but it might not be practical since we store things in them that we need almost daily....I'll pin it just in case though!! :) I'm your newest follower, if you have a moment come visit me at :)

  14. I love the casual look of the slipcover. The ruffle is a great touch.

  15. Oh I love dropcloth projects!! And the ruffle makes this slipcover so shabby chic! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing at Oopsey Daisy!

  16. love the new slipcover - the ruffle is the PERFECT little touch!

    party going on now - would love to have you -

  17. Cute! Thanks for sharing how you did it! Glad to have you at Things I’ve Done Thursday!

  18. Those ruffles on the bottom are so cute! I love how this turned out.

  19. So cute;) I never thought about recovering one before...I may have to keep an eye out for one now;)

  20. So glad I found you. I've been thinking about trying once again to learn to sew. Now maybe with inspiration and help I can.

  21. I'll be featuring YOU Thursday morning over on my blog. Thank you so much for sharing at last week's {wow me} wednesday party. Can't wait to see what you link up this week. :)

    Ginger @

  22. I love this! I so wish I knew how to use a sewing machine, I so need to cover an ottoman real soon. I may just hand stitch it all :( I guess I better start soon, so that I can finish by the end of the year.

  23. Love this! I made a slipcover just like yours for a microfiber ottoman...I also featured this tonight!

  24. I love the ottoman slip! So pretty! I'm working on sofa slipcovers I finished one before Thanksgiving and haven't gotten my mojo back to finish the larger one. It has to happen. I need to psych myself up for it.

  25. I am so jealous! I have three, no make that four, ottomans that need one of these! Ah, so wish I could sew! It doesn't look that hard, though! Great job!


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