Patriotic Dessert--Apple Pie: Yesterfood! | Days of Chalk and Chocolate

Patriotic Dessert--Apple Pie: Yesterfood!

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Did you know that people in other countries have USA themed parties?  It's true. They dress in jeans and baseball caps, drink out of red Solo cups, and serve apple pie!  The whole red Solo cup is less of a USA thing and more of a college frat party thing but baseball and apple pie are, without a doubt, American.    

As part of the patriotic showcase of bloggers, Joy at Yesterfood, is sharing her recipe for homemade apple pie. Lucky for us, she also includes the recipe for her favorite pie crust too!

Apple Pie

Joy's blog is filled with amazing recipes and mouth-watering photos. I hope you'll visit her!  Check out her carrot cake, by the way. It sounds delicious! And remember, please pin from the original source!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jenny! I love your Patriotic Series, and thank you for including my Apple Pie! :) Sharing!


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