Hi friends! I'm excited to introduce you to my new blog friend, Larissa, who is guest blogging today! I'm a firm believer (and I know you are too!) that we should be helping out our younger or newbie bloggers! Thanks!
I'm Larissa. I'm a Preacher's daughter, a sister, a friend, a blogger at
Papa is a Preacher, and a homeschooler who's finishing up high school, you can read 'bout that
I'm trying my best to finish school early so I can pursue my degree in
Communications. I talk a lot, so I thought I'd better learn how to
communicate with others so all my talking doesn't go to waste.
This, is me:
been called, silly, punk, nerd, dork, weird, and I unfortunately can't
prove these terms wrong. I sing horribly, but I sing anyways. I bake, I
write, I photograph, I travel, I love animals, I love Vintage, I move
around a lot, and then I blog all about it. I love God. My Blog has no
intention to push religion down your throat, but to show you that if
you're not best friends with God yet, you're missing out. I hate
misspellings, especially when I find it in my writing. I'm a grammar
freak, and Literature lover. I mimic foreign accents, and pretend to be
This is Victor, also known as the Kid, Pooruruco, or anything else that comes to my mind:
my little Brother. This kid is seriously amazing. If I had to chose a
preteen to admire, this would be the one. He's a little smarty-pants
genius, who's the reason I started this blog. To document his "witty"
saying, which then evolved into blog posts about our daily life. He's
incredibly patient with his older sister who nags on him in huge
amounts. He knows it's because she loves him to death. I always push him
to the furthest I believe he can go, he doesn't complain, but complies.
He's loving, gentle, unbearably annoying, and irreplaceable. I can't
stand him anymore than I can live without him. He loves Legos, Science
experiments, games, and swimming.
This is the Preacher, also known as my father, also known as Eli T.:
He's a minister for our
he's a preacher, a father, a husband, a role model, my mentor, my
friend, my daddy. He's also the Secretary for our church Headquarters,
which means he has a lot of responsibility, and occasionally travels for
his job. This man is amazing. I admire/love him to death. Yes, he's
still my hero and forever will be. Amen. Oh, and face it. He's just way
handsome! He likes to cook, to spend time with his family, and to read
and study. You can read more about him
This is the Preacher's wife, also known as my mother, also known as Lazara T.:
woman too is amazing. She's my mother, but we're more like best
friends, except when she's lecturing me about going over the speed
limit, then she's quite mother-ish. We watch reruns of Sullivan
entertainment series then cry and share a tissue box. She's my constant
companion, she's sweet, caring, and I admire her more than words can
say. She loves tulips, reading, crafts, and cooking. You can read more
about her
These are the main protagonists of the blog
Papa is a Preacher.We're
quite a weird lot, but we love each other, have faith in God, and we're
pretty sure the more you read, the more you'll like us! Stick around!

P.S. Make my day by following and/or commenting!