Before I had children I knew ALL about how to raise them. Really, I was an expert. MY children wouldn't eat that much sugar. MY children will not drive us out of restaurants with poor behavior. MY children will never point to an elderly gentleman in Target and yell "LOOK AT THAT OLD DEAD GUY!" But alas, God was laughing knowing my children would do all those things and more and for some of it my role will be as co-conspirator. So here is my confession. Molly watches an insane amount of television and eats an even more insane amount of sugar laden treats. Oh, we read and do crafts together and tell stories and tickle. And we eat veggies and fruit. But in between those times Molly is zoned with sugar and TV. She loves both and begs for them constantly.
I stood back and took a look at us recently. Jim works super long hours on some days so on the other days I felt like he was entitled to spend his down time as he wanted which was usually in front of the TV after playing with the girls. Ellie thinks the words "night-night" means to watch TV in my bed with Molly which was their little ritual together. WTheck????
I blew my stack a few days ago when Molly asked for millionth time if she could have a lollipop at 7:35 in the morning. (No, my daughter hasn't ever had a lollipop for breakfast but she sure lives in hope that some day she will). I decided that we were all going on a sugar/TV fast for the entire weekend, including all day on Friday and Monday. So a total of 4 days without my family's favorite vices.
How's it going? Here's a clue.
Molly built a TV out of a box. She played with it all day. I'm not kidding. She even made me pretend to change the channel. Can we say withdrawal? And Teddy wasn't the only player. She got in that box repeatedly to give us the weather report.
We were in a store yesterday and Molly came out with this.
Molly: Mom, it doesn't matter if we don't watch TV because I can watch it in my brain by thinking.
Me: I guess that's true! Are you watching right now?
Molly: yup!
Me: What are you watching?
Molly: Commercials (said with a sigh)
Poor kid. I mean commercials in your pretend TV in your head? That is so sad to me!
I will admit to you, friends, that Jim and I do watch a bit after the girls have gone to bed. And we may have had a small ice cream cone while doing so. Besides, The Real Housewives of NJ was on the DVR so I kind of consider that grandfathered in.
But overall we have all enjoyed each other's company so much. We have done so much more laughing together and right now Jim is reading some books for work. He never reads. He watches TV. But he chose this instead. And he spent the day installing bead board in our powder room instead of watching people do it on HGTV. Super.
On Tuesday we get our vices back but I am going to make a huge effort to limit it much more than we did in the past. Wish me luck!
This is Molly during a production of one of her sad shows. |