Sewing Fail | Days of Chalk and Chocolate

Sewing Fail

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Update-- I hit 50 followers last night!  Thank you to everyone who reads this little blog, comments, and supports me!  I appreciate it so much!!  It brightened my whole morning!

ACK...what a day. It went from eh to blech to eating chocolate in the dark living room while watching Project Runway. Sigh. I was cruising around HomeGoods the other day and found some fantastic napkins on the clearance shelf. Look at their gorgeousness:

I got 12- 18 inch napkins for $7.00!!  Suh-weeet. So I've been working on some projects with it and the first couple came out so nice (if you stand far away) so I was getting a little cocky I guess. Tonight I was humbled. 3 ripped out seams and a broken needle later I put it all away. 

The girls are sleeping, Jim is working late, and we are out of Yodels.  Here's to Friday being a little easier on me than Thursday was!  : )

Anyone working on anything good?


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