Substitute Teaching | Days of Chalk and Chocolate

Substitute Teaching

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I didn't have anything to write about until I just got a call for my first substitute teaching assignment. Can we chat a bit about it?  I need to process all this. So I got this call to sub tomorrow. I almost said no, I will admit. I was taken off guard with having to make a snap decision which I guess is the nature of being a sub.  And I almost said no because I'm scared. Yes, I'll admit it. I won't even be snarky about it as a cover. I really am nervous and scared.

I went back to school to be a teacher when I was in my late 20s. I worked 3 jobs to get myself through school while living on my own and it was tough. But because it wasn't easy I am so proud of it. I did it because I knew it was what I wanted.  Who wouldn't want to be in an elementary school every day?  Next to Disney World, elementary schools are pretty much the only place you can see magic and happiness being created every day. 

I found a school in a district I loved to teach in and became close to most of the staff there.  It was a comfortable, supportive school with top notch teachers and I learned so much. After having Molly I returned to the district but moved between different schools to keep part-time hours. It wasn't easy to always transition but I felt ok about it since I knew most of these teachers through the district.

To make my long-winded story a bit shorter, I'm scared to do it all over again. I'm nervous to introduce myself to people again, feel lonely again, wonder if I'll be ok. I know I'm a good's in my bones. But it's the other stuff I worry about.  Will people be exasperated if I ask a million questions?  Will I have anyone to eat with?  Should I eat in my room? Will there be lesson plans there?   EEK!

The night before the first day of my very first teaching year, I was talking to my older sister about my nerves. And her response was "Remember, stupider people than you have done this!"  We both burst out laughing at what she had said but I knew what she meant.  I have to remember this tomorrow when I'm introducing myself to new kids, new teachers, new everything.   I can do this! But if it doesn't go well, be prepared for one heckuva blog post.

And since I can't write a blog post without a picture, here are my girls in Disney World from February. Ellie was so wee and Molly is still a princess.



  1. Brand new to your blog, and just had to follow! I was a first and second grade teacher before I had my sons, and I just love to "talk shop" about teaching!

    I subbed for a few years after I left my FT position, and it was the best of both worlds. Being with different kids without all the take-home work!


    Found your blog via your wreath, and love what you have going on here!

  2. More often than not, there's another teacher who has been in your shoes - I pray you'll come in contact with her and be able to connect! You'll be fine!

  3. Best of luck in your first subbing assignment...Stay confident and enjoy your teaching!


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